About Us
A new imaging modality that enables doctors to detect and analyze cancer
anytime, anywhere
HT BioImaging mission is to detect and classify cancer early on the spot. We have developed a revolutionary patented medical imaging platform technology - HDI (Heat Diffusion Imaging) scan. It’s a disruptive system to measure heat diffusion in biological tissues. This new medical imaging technology translates the heat diffusion signal into an image to enable early detection of cancer in a non-invasive and real-time procedure at the point of care and in operating rooms.
Our Value

Early detection

Immediate results


High accuracy

Automatic Imaging

Eliminates expensive analysis
Our Vision
To save lives.
One of the main worldwide health challenges is cancer, with the number of cases constantly rising, and 45% of patients do not survive, most of them due to late detection and misdiagnosis. Doctors do not have all the necessary tools and data they need to see cancer at the critical point of care and in the operating room, where it can make a difference between life and death. If cancer is detected at an early stage, while the treatment is immediate and localized; the survival rate is significantly improved. Early detection is key to saving lives.

Meet The Team
Our exceptional team includes AI, signal analysis and computer vision experts, heat transfer & thermodynamics top researchers, oncologists, radiologists, and one successful serial entrepreneur

Gideon Barak
Co-Founder & Chairman
A serial entrepreneur with a 10-exits record. His record includes the role of Co-founder & CEO of DSP Communications (NASDAQ: DSPC), acquired by Intel for $1.6 billion, Founder & Chairman of both Butterfly VLSI and Envara, were acquired by Intel and Texas Instruments, respectively
Advisory Board

Michael Glick
DMD. Professor and Executive Director
Center of Integrative Global Oral Health
University of Philadelphia, PA

Amir Onn
MD, Chair, Institute of Pulmonary Medicine
Sheba Medical Center, Israel
Member, executive committee, WIN consortium, Paris

Aviram Nissan
MD, Chief, Department of General and Oncological Surgery - Surgery C Sheba Medical Center
Professor of Surgery, School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University Chairman, Israeli Society of Surgical Oncology

Michael S Kent
Professor, Director of the Center for Companion Animal Health, Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California - Davis
Four Legs Employees

