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Our Products

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Heat Diffusion Imaging

The new functional imaging modality developed by HT BioImaging is based on heat diffusion. After a focused heatwave is sent to the tissue, the unique algorithm views biological tissue as a filter and measures its heat diffusion response by signal analysis, computer vision, and AI, giving each 0.1mm spot a probability of being cancerous or not. It thus can be used to distinguish between cancer and other pathologies such as pre-cancer, benign growths, or necrosis at very early stages.



HDI scanner is an In-human oncology tool to detect cancer at the point of care and operating rooms. Our first medical indication is a 510k De-Novo Oral cancer application. Future medical indications are Cervical, Skin, prostate, colon, and an intraoperative tool for navigation and margin detection and mapping at the OR. HTOScan has been tested on 150 patients in a clinical trial (USA & Israel) showing above 90% accuracy in detecting cancer.   

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Cancer is a leading cause of death in dogs and cats worldwide.


10 dogs a week arrive to the veterinarian with a lump, a dermal or subcutaneous mass, that may be cancer.

14.5 million masses are detected every year, In the US alone.

40% of them are not even being diagnosed.

The common diagnostic procedures are invasive, expensive, and time consuming.

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HT Vista is the first non-invasive screening tool that allows veterinarians and nurses to rule out cancer of subcutaneous and dermal masses at the clinic within 2 minutes




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The HT Vista is a game-changer that empowers veterinarians to classify and detect cancer earlier   

Clinical Trials

HT Visat has been tested on over thousands of dogs in clinical trials (USA & Israel).


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Contact Us

Ramataim Road 96,

Hod Hasharon, Israel

© 2020 by HT BioImaging

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